Open House at the ETH- Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering in Basel (CH)

On October 22, 2011, the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of the ETH in Basel (CH) will organize a public open day for visitors who are interested in the research that is going on at this department.

At the D-BSSE, scientists perform high profile research in synthetic biology with potential future applications for human health. Daniel Gregorowius from the SYBHEL partners from the Institute of Biomedical Ethics at the University of Zürich will give a short presentation on philosophical and ethical implications of synthetic biology with a focus on different conceptions of life. The title of his talk will be: „Was ist Leben?“ – Was die Synthetische Biologie als Lebenswissenschaft zur Beantwortung dieser Frage beitragen kann. (“What is life?” – What synthetic biology as a life science can contribute to answer this question)



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