Synthetic Biology: Hope and Hype?


Synbio lectures in November, 2010, Hungary

November 18, 2010

Dr. József Kovács will give two lectures on bioethics and the ethics of synthehic biology in Hungary. Details bellow (in Hungarian):

Dr. Kovács József: Orvosetika–bioetika. El?adás az Óbudai San Marco Szabadegyetemen 2010. november 15.-én 18.00-20.00 között. (Helyszín: Óbudai Kulturális Központ, 1032. Budapest, San Marco u. 81. )

Dr. Kovács József: A személy fogalma, jelent?sége bioetikai vonatkozásai.

A konferencia id?pontja: 2010. november 22. (kezdés: 11.00 óra)
A konferencia helyszíne: Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság, Debrecen, Thomas Mann u. 49. , Emeleti B terem.

Hope and Hype


7pm, 26th November 2009

Synthetic biology is an emerging area of scientific research at the interface of biology,  chemistry and engineering. The research promises cheaper and faster routes to drugs,  biofuels, and new materials for medical applications. However, synthetic biology also provokes controversy because it aims to ‘engineer biology’. Join scientists and ethicists from the University of Bristol for a lively evening discussion.

Professor Dek Woolfson and Dr Ainsley Newson

Free event, but booking required in advance
Tel: +44 (0)845 345 1235
or +44 (0)117 915 5000


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